Goodbye 2015!

The first day of 2015, I vowed, a la Michelangelo and his Angel, to carve and carve until my own masterpiece was released from the stone. So, a year later, here's what I know. Removing the material that doesn't belong in your life is hard. Relationships change radically and often painfully. Creating masterpieces take longer than a year. Wisdom doesn't come with a neon sign saying, "Here is it" but, rather, with a small whisper that says, "Keep going, you've got this." So long, 2015. You were an experience!

Ecstatic Friday, February 13, 2015

I proclaimed 2015 the year of removing what doesn't belong to reveal the masterpiece beneath (à la Michelangelo.) Two months into it, here's what I know: chipping away and discarding is heavy, discouraging, confusing work. Masterpieces do not reveal themselves quickly. So, for this Ecstatic Friday, I'm clinging to Anne Morrow Lindbergh's wisdom: “Every step, even a tentative one, counts.” So, if you find yourself in your own winter slog, take heart... spring will come and there will be cherry blossoms, daffodils and the magic of bumblebees. Already the days are longer and the sun is brighter. Every step counts. And, that's the truth.